At Vesta® Nutra, our mission is to set a new standard for supplements, and we are thrilled to collaborate with you in providing top-tier health and wellness products to the world.

We believe that the foundation of exceptional supplements lies in using the highest quality, environmentally-friendly ingredients. While our ingredient list may not be exhaustive, we ensure that each one is impactful. We encourage you to think outside the box when formulating your product and ensure that it delivers a powerful and effective outcome.

At Vesta, we understand that there are even more pure, potent, and effective ingredients waiting to be discovered. Our experienced research and development team is constantly exploring new scientific and botanical data to create the next groundbreaking dietary supplement that will captivate your customers.

Together, we can innovate and revolutionize the supplement industry by delivering products that surpass expectations, offering unrivaled benefits, and making a significant impact on the health and well-being of individuals worldwide.

Simply click one of the application tags below for quick ingredient search.

  • lipoquest

    Liposomal supplements are an innovative way to deliver nutrients and compounds directly to the cells in your body.

  • NR (nicotinamide riboside) is transformed by the body into nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+).

  • ImmuneNK

    ImmuneNK™ Vesta’s ImmuneNK™ is a proprietary blend of cutting-edge, immune-boosting ingredients that are all-natural, non-GMO, and responsibly...

  • Aloe Vera is an evergreen perennial that is cultivated worldwide and grows in tropical, semi-tropical, and arid climates.

  • Saw Palmetto (serenoa repens) is a type of palm native to the southeastern United States. It earns its name from the sharp, saw-like teeth

  • NMN

    NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide) is part of the family of nucleotides, organic molecules which are building blocks of RNA and DNA.

  • Ultra PQQ™ features pure pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ). PQQ is an enzyme cofactor possessing antioxidative, neuroprotective, and cardioprotective properties.

  • UltraFucoidan™ is a complex polysaccharide derived from brown seaweed. It is a major component of the diet of the Japanese, who are known for having the highest life..

  • UltraCog™ PS-20 and PS-50 (Phosphatidylserine) is made with advanced, proprietary technology to deliver the most bioactive phosphatidylserine in 2 strengths.

  • SAMe (S-adenosyl-L-methionine) is a naturally occurring molecule that is taken to help improve a variety of symptoms, including mood, joint pain, and liver dysfunction.

  • Pearl Tomato® (White Tomato) is a proprietary tomato extract powder, uniquely rich in phytoene and phytofluene, sourced from specially selected non-GMO tomato fruit.

  • NutraLeaf™ (CBD or Cannabidiol) is one of the more common chemical compounds that is isolated from hemp leaves. Hemp comes from the same family as marijuana but...

  • Natto NSP-2™ (Nattokinase) is a potent fibrinolytic enzyme isolated from fermented soybeans. It contains high-quality Nattokinase, which facilitates the circulation of the blood.

  • Natto MK7™ is a highly bioavailable extract of Natto, a traditional food dish. Derived from fermented soybeans, and a significant amount of MK-7 is produced during...

  • NADH stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) + hydrogen (H). It is a coenzyme found in all living cells. It occurs naturally in the body and plays a role in the chemical process that…

  • LivRight™ consists of L-Ornithine-L-Aspartate. It is a novel combination of two amino acids, Ornithine and Aspartate. As a dietary product it can help to support liver function.

  • Hyal-Flex™, which is sodium hyaluronate (HA or Hyaluronic Acid), is produced by advanced fermentation technology and purification processes. These processes are used to obtain...

  • Collagenesis II™ is a naturally occurring protein found in connective tissues. Collagen is a fibrous matrix protein that gives our skin and tendons integrity and elasticity.

  • Cogmaxx™ (Citicoline), also known as cytidine diphosphate-choline, is a potent and efficacious chemical designed to aid in brain function and ward off mental decline associated...

  • CeraPremier™ can help to supplement and maintain healthy ceramide levels in human skin. Many skin conditions such as aging, wrinkles, atopic dermatitis...

  • CactOLean™ is an all-natural, standardized fruit extract that supports weight loss. It is derived from the pitaya cactus fruit, also called “dragon fruit” or “sweet desert fruit.”

  • Beta ImmuneShield™ is made up of Beta Glucan 1,3 D, which helps boost the immune system in a safe but effective way. Beta Glucans are β-D-glucose polysaccharides that are highly…

  • AlphaPrime™ (Alpha-GPC) is the most bioavailable of the naturally occurring choline compounds, thus has been shown to be effective in supporting cognitive function and…



Liposomal supplements are an innovative way to deliver nutrients and compounds directly to the cells in your body.



ImmuneNK™ Vesta’s ImmuneNK™ is a proprietary blend of cutting-edge, immune-boosting ingredients that are all-natural, non-GMO, and responsibly...


Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is an evergreen perennial that is cultivated worldwide and grows in tropical, semi-tropical, and arid climates.



Ultra PQQ™ features pure pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ). PQQ is an enzyme cofactor possessing antioxidative, neuroprotective, and cardioprotective properties.



UltraCog™ PS-20 and PS-50 (Phosphatidylserine) is made with advanced, proprietary technology to deliver the most bioactive phosphatidylserine in 2 strengths.



SAMe (S-adenosyl-L-methionine) is a naturally occurring molecule that is taken to help improve a variety of symptoms, including mood, joint pain, and liver dysfunction.


Pearl Tomato®

Pearl Tomato® (White Tomato) is a proprietary tomato extract powder, uniquely rich in phytoene and phytofluene, sourced from specially selected non-GMO tomato fruit.


Natto NSP-2™

Natto NSP-2™ (Nattokinase) is a potent fibrinolytic enzyme isolated from fermented soybeans. It contains high-quality Nattokinase, which facilitates the circulation of the blood.



NADH stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) + hydrogen (H). It is a coenzyme found in all living cells. It occurs naturally in the body and plays a role in the chemical process that…



LivRight™ consists of L-Ornithine-L-Aspartate. It is a novel combination of two amino acids, Ornithine and Aspartate. As a dietary product it can help to support liver function.


Collagenesis II™

Collagenesis II™ is a naturally occurring protein found in connective tissues. Collagen is a fibrous matrix protein that gives our skin and tendons integrity and elasticity.



Cogmaxx™ (Citicoline), also known as cytidine diphosphate-choline, is a potent and efficacious chemical designed to aid in brain function and ward off mental decline associated...



CeraPremier™ can help to supplement and maintain healthy ceramide levels in human skin. Many skin conditions such as aging, wrinkles, atopic dermatitis...



CactOLean™ is an all-natural, standardized fruit extract that supports weight loss. It is derived from the pitaya cactus fruit, also called “dragon fruit” or “sweet desert fruit.”


Beta ImmuneShield™

Beta ImmuneShield™ is made up of Beta Glucan 1,3 D, which helps boost the immune system in a safe but effective way. Beta Glucans are β-D-glucose polysaccharides that are highly…



AlphaPrime™ (Alpha-GPC) is the most bioavailable of the naturally occurring choline compounds, thus has been shown to be effective in supporting cognitive function and…



ImmuneNK™ Vesta’s ImmuneNK™ is a proprietary blend of cutting-edge, immune-boosting ingredients that are all-natural, non-GMO, and responsibly...


Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is an evergreen perennial that is cultivated worldwide and grows in tropical, semi-tropical, and arid climates.



Ultra PQQ™ features pure pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ). PQQ is an enzyme cofactor possessing antioxidative, neuroprotective, and cardioprotective properties.



UltraCog™ PS-20 and PS-50 (Phosphatidylserine) is made with advanced, proprietary technology to deliver the most bioactive phosphatidylserine in 2 strengths.



SAMe (S-adenosyl-L-methionine) is a naturally occurring molecule that is taken to help improve a variety of symptoms, including mood, joint pain, and liver dysfunction.


Pearl Tomato®

Pearl Tomato® (White Tomato) is a proprietary tomato extract powder, uniquely rich in phytoene and phytofluene, sourced from specially selected non-GMO tomato fruit.


Natto NSP-2™

Natto NSP-2™ (Nattokinase) is a potent fibrinolytic enzyme isolated from fermented soybeans. It contains high-quality Nattokinase, which facilitates the circulation of the blood.



NADH stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) + hydrogen (H). It is a coenzyme found in all living cells. It occurs naturally in the body and plays a role in the chemical process that…



LivRight™ consists of L-Ornithine-L-Aspartate. It is a novel combination of two amino acids, Ornithine and Aspartate. As a dietary product it can help to support liver function.


Collagenesis II™

Collagenesis II™ is a naturally occurring protein found in connective tissues. Collagen is a fibrous matrix protein that gives our skin and tendons integrity and elasticity.



Cogmaxx™ (Citicoline), also known as cytidine diphosphate-choline, is a potent and efficacious chemical designed to aid in brain function and ward off mental decline associated...



CeraPremier™ can help to supplement and maintain healthy ceramide levels in human skin. Many skin conditions such as aging, wrinkles, atopic dermatitis...



CactOLean™ is an all-natural, standardized fruit extract that supports weight loss. It is derived from the pitaya cactus fruit, also called “dragon fruit” or “sweet desert fruit.”


Beta ImmuneShield™

Beta ImmuneShield™ is made up of Beta Glucan 1,3 D, which helps boost the immune system in a safe but effective way. Beta Glucans are β-D-glucose polysaccharides that are highly…



AlphaPrime™ (Alpha-GPC) is the most bioavailable of the naturally occurring choline compounds, thus has been shown to be effective in supporting cognitive function and…